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I.E.S.L.V. “Juan Ramón Fernández,” Buenos Aires, Argentina

After finishing high school, I started studying to become an ESL teacher at I.E.S.L.V “Juan Ramón Fernández,” in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was during these early years as an undergraduate that I took my first course in generative syntax. I found it irresistible. From this moment onwards, it was absolutely clear to me that I wanted to pursue a career as a linguist.

Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Río Negro, Argentina

My first years as a linguist, right after obtaining my degree as an ESL teacher, were divided practically evenly between teaching and studying. At that time I started pursuing an M.A. program in linguistics at Universidad Nacional del Comahue (UNCOMA), in Río Negro, the only program in my country with a formal approach to the study of language.  


UNCOMA is thirteen hours away from my hometown. This meant I had to juggle work, studies and biweekly trips, but the benefit was enormous: here I became equipped with the basic knowledge and tools that developed me as a linguist.


Unfortunately, the lack of funding for the program at UNCOMA resulted in periods when very few courses were taught. As a result of this, progress towards the degree became painfully slow for most of us students, and I had to quit the program not having earned my degree.


The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York

At the end of 2012, as a special gift of fate, at a moment when I had practically thrown in the towel of ever becoming a linguist, personal circumstances brought me to New York. I started the M.A. program in Linguistics at the CUNY Graduate Center in August 2014 and submitted my thesis entitled Spatial Prepositions in Spanish, in January 2017.

In Fall 2017, I started a PhD in Linguistics, also at the CUNY Graduate Center. I defended my dissertation, entitled "Completive todo: Implications for Possessives, Existentials, and Locative Expressions" in August 2023.

      El puente de la mujer, in Buenos Aires
                    Bariloche, Argentina
                     New York, New York

© Carolina Fraga

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